ITALY Planetary Alignment / Earthquake Watch March & Dec 2015
Earthquake Watch for Northern/Central Italy March 26-April 1, 2015 due to recurring planetary alignment symmetry...
Planetary Alignment - Earthquake Watch | May 14-15, 2015 !
This forecast targets May 14 &15 as significant due to a Major Planetary Alignment involving Mars-Earth and Saturn. Using a...
Three very strong Planetary Alignments (Sun-Earth-Jupiter on January 5), (Sun-Venus-Jupiter on January 7) and (Earth-Venus-Sun on January 11) combined with the Earth reaching Perihelion January 4 along with strong Lunar astrological...
Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch March 2-4, 2014
Two very strong Planetary Alignments (Venus-Sun-Uranus on March 2), (Mars-Venus-Mercury on March 4) combined Lunar alignments March 3&4 with Uranus and Mars may indicate a potential...
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Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch Oct 23-31, 2014
A strong Planetary Alignment (Venus-Sun-Earth) on October 25 taking place after the partial solar eclipse...
Three Alignments (Earth-Sun-Mercury), (Venus-Sun-Jupiter) and (Neptune-Mars-Sun) fall during this time-frame with an added influence involving the Asteroid Ceres indicate a potential for a 7 Magnitude earthquake in the Southern Hemisphere...
wo Alignments (Mars-Mercury-Sun) and (Venus-Mars-Uranus) fall during this time-frame with an added influence involving the Asteroid Ceres and strong astrological aspects involving Saturn indicate a potential for a 7.5 Magnitude earthquake in the Southern Hemisphere....
Two Alignments involving (Mars-Mercury-Earth) Feb 25th and (Earth-Venus-Neptune) Feb 27th fall during this time-frame with an added influence involving the Asteroid Ceres indicate a potential for a 6.6 Magnitude...