Strong Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake Strikes Banda Sea, Indonesia | Nov 8, 2023

A Strong Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia – no tsunami warning

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said.

The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added. There was no tsunami threat from the earthquake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PWTC) said.

EMSC had initially reported it as magnitude 6.9 with another 7.1 just 58 seconds later, the same quake having strong resonant signature lasting 85 seconds.

Indonesia was the main area for watch in the SolarWatcher.Ner earthquake forecast Newsletter, the link will be below for more information as well as the images from that newsletter:
Newsletter PDF file download page
November Earthquake Newsletter Download Link”

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