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Strong M5.5 Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection | Jan 20, 2022

Active Region 2929 ripped off a nice M5.5 Solar Flare this morning at 06:01 UTC. The flare produced a fast moving CME that appears...

Tsunami hits Tonga after giant undersea Volcanic Eruption | Jan 16, 2022

Tsunami waves caused by a giant underwater volcanic eruption have hit the Pacific country of Tonga. Social media footage showed water washing through a church...

Strong Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake Strikes Fox Islands, Alaska | Jan 11, 2022

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck about 91 km (56.54 miles) south-east of Nikolski, Alaska on Tuesday. A magnitude of 6.6 was the initial report...

Strong Magnitude 6.5 Earthquake Rocks Cyprus | Jan 11, 2022

The strong tremor was widely felt across Cyprus and around the region with reports from as far away as Turkey, Israel and even as...

Global Earthquakes greater than Magnitude 7 for the year of 2021

Global Earthquakes greater than Magnitude 7 for the year of 2021 3 Earthquakes registered greater than Magnitude 8.0 17 Earthquakes registered between Magnitude 7.0-7.9 135 Earthquakes registered...

Strong Magnitude 7.3 EARTHQUAKE Rocks INDONESIA – Dec 29, 2021

A 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake was recorded Wednesday at 6.25 pm UTC Time in the Banda Sea, in Indonesia. The quake was recorded at 170 KM...

Four M-Class Flares in the last 48 hours | Dec 21-22, 2021

A series of low end M-Class Solar flares have been registered over the last 48 hours with more to come as X-Ray background levels...

Strong Magnitude 7.3 EARTHQUAKE – FLORES SEA – Dec 14, 2021

No Tsunami alert issued after 7.3-quake strikes southern Indonesia A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 has struck the Flores Sea in southern...

M6.5 Earthquake Strikes West of Macquarie Island | Dec 12, 2021

Macquarie Island situated between Australia and Antarctica has been rocked by a 6.5 magnitude earthquake. A tremor 10km below the sea floor was recorded...

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