Lisbon, Portugal 2024-2030 Earthquake/Solar Eclipse Symmetry
There are 4 Solar Eclipse termination nodes that will move across Lisbon Portugal in the next five years. Solar...
Revisiting The 1989 Newcastle Earthquake Eclipse Looking back at the 1989 Newcastle Earthquake, and linking in the 1986 Solar Eclipse showing related symmetry that...
2008 Sichuan Earthquake Solar Eclipse Symmetry Hyper symmetry with solar eclipses prior and after the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake can be directly linked as a...
A Major X-Class Solar Flare was unleashed off the solar corona from Active Region 13514 on December 14. The Flare peaked to X2.8 at...
Evacuations were underway in the Philippines after an earthquake of at least magnitude 7.5 struck the southern region of Mindanao on Saturday night, triggering...