Two strong Planetary Alignments (Earth-Mercury-Saturn) and (Venus-Earth- Jupiter) occur on these day's with strong Lunar astrological aspects indicate a potential for a 7.2 Magnitude earthquake during this watch, Lunar...
Planetary Alignment / Earthquake Watch Nov 29-30, 2013
Three very strong Planetary Alignments (Venus-Sun-Saturn), supported by (Venus-Earth-Jupiter) and (Mercury-Sun-Uranus) fall during this time-frame with strong Lunar astrological aspects indicate a...
Two strong alignments involving (Sun-Earth-Mars) and (Venus-Mercury-Sun) as well as significant astrological aspects involving the moon which may represent a possible 6.8 Magnitude earthquake...
Four strong alignments on this day (Earth-Venus-Saturn),(Venus-Mercury-Sun),(Mars-Earth-Sun),(Earth-Mercury-Uranus) as well as other significant astrological aspects involving the Moon which may represent a possible 7.0 Magnitude earthquake on this day..
Two very strong alignments involving (Sun-Earth-Saturn) and (Mars-Earth-Neptune) as well as significant astrological aspects involving the moon which may represent a possible 7.4 Magnitude...
One very strong alignment involving (Earth-Venus-Sun) as well as significant astrological aspects involving the Moon which may represent a possible 6.9 Magnitude earthquake on...
Strong celestial alignments on this day (Mars-Earth-Uranus), (Earth-Venus-Jupiter) and astrological aspects involving Mars and the Moon Indicate a large potential earthquake or a powerful solar event could be triggered. An...
This is a Planetary Alignment Earthquake watch video, program used in this Heliocentric visual representation is Simsolarv2.0 and solar system scope.
One very strong alignment...